Trevor Browns column in the Organ & Keyboard Cavalcade has become a popular features. To listen the MP3 file for this months article or download previous articles along with the music score click on 'downloads'

The Student Series Library - Organ Edition

The Student Series Library consist of Trevor Browns original compositions and arrangements of popular and classical music. Many of the pieces feature in STUDENT SERIES magazine articles and have been requested by readers for inclusion into the library.

The pieces are carefully selected for both enjoyment and improvement of your music. Whilst it is possible to play them on a personal or arranger keyboard, the books are specifically written for Organs with two or more manuals and pedal board.

Buying books from the series

The Student Organist Library - Classical Moods
The Student Organist Library - Classical Moods
Total including postage (please select):


The Student Organist Library - Robins Return
The Student Organist Library - Robins Return
Total including postage (please select):


The Student Organist Library - Snowdrops
The Student Organist Library - Snowdrops
Total including postage (please select):


Order all three books together, complete with 2x CD's:

The Student Series LibraryThe set consists of three books along with CD's for Snowdrops and Robins Return.

Total including postage (please select):