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Thomas Organs - Keeping it simple


The idea behind Stardust is very simple indeed....let's get playing! Whather you are a beginner or just enjoy making music, having to learn how to operate a modern instrument  can be trial.

Thomas StardustTurn on the Stardust and you are good to go. No menu's or setting up time, just play! Fancy a change of style? Simply select one of our Preset Setup Groups and the organ does the rest - Sounds, Rhythms, Tempo - it's all done automatically.

And its just as easy to pick your own sounds; Select an upper, lower, pedal sound and a rhythm and you are ready to entertain.

The Stardust comes with 'The Student Organist' tuition book. Its a fast and easy approach to playing the organ. Don't know the songs? No problem, they are built into the organ for you to play along with.

Prices start from only £995. Yes that is correct! A real Thomas Organ made of wood with a bench and two year warranty for less than the price of a 3/4" Armstrong Torque Wrench!

Student Series

The Student Series Edition of the Stardust comes to you complete with "The Student Organist" and has the songs from the first book right there on the instrument!